Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Office 365 Registration "Partner Information"

  • You are signing up for an Office 365 account and would like to register me as your partner for solution architecture, custom development, integration, and support.  :)
  • This is now known as "Delegated Administration"
Office 365 Microsoft Partner ID:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Web.Lists, GetLists, and TryGetLists Performance

  • Getting a list or library from a spweb with a large number of lists and libraries. In my test case each spweb had about 90,000 document libraries on sp2010 sp1.
  • You cannot cache the spweb.Lists object across calls. 
    • Ex:  Dynamically looking up a library for each document uploaded via a custom web service or event receiver.
  • Each call to spWeb.Lists.TryGetList(libName) took 13 seconds to process since any access to the Lists collection returns the metadata for all lists in the spweb.
  • Had to recode the solution to access the libraries using the URL rather than the list name, resulting in sub-second processing. spWeb.GetList(listURL)

List Template Event Receiver Bug

  • You have an event receiver enabled on a specific list via the Receivers ListUrl attribute.
  • If you make a List Template of a list that has been mapped to an event receiver, new lists created from that list template will have the event receiver attached to it regardless of the new URL.
  • Use SharePoint Manager to fix this or disable the event receiver before making the template.