SharePoint 2013 dev server deployment guide can be found
- You want a SharePoint Server 2010 virtual machine for local development work.
- This may be shared throughout the development team.
- This can be hosted on a shared workstation or server via Remote Desktop or on your personal workstation or laptop.
- Snapshots of the VM can be taken at any time.
- Make sure you have the appropriate licenses for each instance of the VM.
- MS has some good options for VM licensing and development licenses with an MSDN subscription
- MOSS 2010 Standard or Enterprise
- You want to use non-expiring app licenses
- You want the VM to have its own domain and email capabilities
- You want the following components (64bit where available)
- Your workstation must be running a 64bit processor with Hardware Virtualization enabled
- You must have enough memory (4GB rec), disk space (50GB rec), and processor power (2 cores rec) to run the VM and hold all snapshots
- I highly recommend running this VM from a solid state drive (SSD) for optimum performance. Disk speed is the greatest limiter for performance and if your RAM is limited, then the SSD swap file will help compensate.
You must have access to and appropriate licensing for above products
- You must have time (about 8 hours) to install everything.
- Hints:
- Look for "Wait" for good break points
- Snapshots can be used to create other virtual machines or to test minimally installed environments
How To
- Download the Software Listed Above
- Install VirtualBox and the Extension Pack or VMWare
- Create a new virtual machine named "sps2010" for Windows 2008 (64bit)
- 4096 GB RAM
- 100GB dynamically expanding boot hard disk
- You will likely use 45GB of this without any content
- Mount the Windows Server 2008 R2 ISO
- Enable RDP support
- Start the sps2010 virtual machine
- The Windows Server 2008 R2 installer should begin
- Select Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Full Installation)
- Select New Installation
- Set a new administrator password
- Install VirtualBox Guest Additions or VMWare Tools
- Authenticate Windows
- Rename the server to sps2010
- Note: If you forget this step, you will have a randomly named server.
I have included instructions for aliasing and configuring a randomly named server.
- Shut down and take a Snapshot named "Windows Install"
- Enable Remote Desktop for all versions
- Add Roles
- Active Directory Domain Service
- You will get a Windows Update is not enabled warning.
- Select "Close this wizard and launch the Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard"
- Ignore the "Operating System Compatibility" warning
- Select "Create a new domain in a new forest"
- FQDN: sp.local
- Forest functional level: Windows Server 2008 R2
- Ignore DHCP warning
- Ignore DNS warning, click Yes
- Use same password as admin user above
- Reboot on completion
- Add Roles
- Server Roles
- Application Server
- Web Server (IIS)
- Application Server / Role Services
- Web Server (IIS) / Role Services
- Install
- Windows Update: Turn on auto updates
- Install Updates and Long Wait
- Reboot when prompted
- Open Active Directory Administrative Center
- Create a user
- Full Name: User
- User SamAccount: sp\user
- pass: same as admin above
- Password Options: Password never expires
- Stop and Disable the following Services
- DFS Namespace
- DFS Replication
- Shut down, snapshot "DC and IIS", and start virtual machine
- Mount the SQL Server Iso from the Virtual Box Devices menu
- Open Active Directory Administrative Center
- Create a user
- Full Name: spservice
- User SamAccount: sp\spservice
- pass: same as admin above
- Password Options: Password never expires
- Start SQL Server Setup
- Installation
- New Install
- Continue
- Ignore DC and Firewall warnings
- All Features with Defaults
- Continue
- Server Configuration / Service Accounts
- Use the same account for all SQL Server services
- specify the sp\spservice account and password created above
- Continue
- Analysis Services Configuration
- Reporting Services Configuration
- Install the SharePoint integrated mode default configuration
- Continue then Wait
- Shut down, snapshot "SQL Server", and start virtual machine
- Open SQL Server Configuration Manager
- SQL Server Network Configuration
- Protocols for MSSQLSERVER
- If your server is randomly named - not sps2010
- DNS Manager
- Forward Lookup Zones
- sp.local
- Add a new alias
- Name: sps2010
- FQDN: Browse to splocal\servername
- servername will be a randomly generated value
- Mount the SharePoint Server 2010 iso
- Start the Prerequisites installer
- Start the SharePoint Install
- Enter your Enterprise license key
- Wait
- Run the Configuration Wizard
- Create a new server farm
- Configuration Database
- Server: sps2010
- Name: SharePoint_Config
- Username: sp\spservice
- Password: same as above
- Farm Security Settings
- Passphrase: same as admin password above
- Central Admin Web App
- Short Wait
- IE will open to the central administration website.
- Login as administrator
- Move the central admin site from the Trusted Sites zone to the Local Intranet Zone
- Also add "http://sps2010" to the Local Intranet Zone
- Shut down, snapshot "Base SharePoint", and restart
- Configure Alternate Access Mappings
- Set the central admin default public url to http://sps2010:8000
- Run the Farm Configuration Wizard from Central Administration
- Use existing managed account
- All items should be checked except for Lotus Notes
- Create Root Site Collection
- New Web Application
- Name: sps2010
- Port: 80
- Path: change "80" to "sps2010"
- URL: http://sps2010
- Create a new app pool
- Name: SharePoint - sps2010
- Configurable: sp\spservice
- Database server: sps2010
- Database name: sps2010_Content
- CEIP: No
- Title: Sps2010
- Template: Publishing \ Publishing Portal
- Primary admin: sp\administrator
- Set the browser home page to http://sps2010
- Configure Search from Central Admin
- Central Admin \ Manage service applications \ Search Service Application (first one)
- Content Sources
- Local SharePoint Sites
- Schedule incremental every 5 minutes and start a full crawl
- Open http://sps2010 in IE
- Add sp\administrator to the Approvers and Members groups
- Validate that the following work
- Approval process
- Both search scopes
- My Site
- Profile
- Shut down, snapshot "SharePoint Configured", and restart
- Continue to Part 2