Friday, August 17, 2018

Promoted Tiles - Popup Prior to Click

  • You have a promoted tiles web part on a page
  • You need to prompt the user with a dialog box prior to navigating to the link on click
  • The onclick attribute is dynamically populated by the control, so it's hard to manipulate using Javascript or JQuery
  • The key is to use the mousedown event instead.
    • Note: This will not support keyboard navigation so you may need to handle the keydown event as well.
  • Here is the code for the Script Editor.  Adapt the URLs for your environment
<script type="text/javascript" src="/SiteAssets/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/teams/print/SiteAssets/PromotedLinkPrompt.js"></script>
  • Here is the PromotedLinkPrompt.js code
console.log("PromotedLinkPrompt.js Loaded");

localStorage.setItem("PopupContentDone", "false");

function PopupContent()
var done = localStorage.getItem("PopupContentDone");
if (done == "false")
if (confirm("Does this work?\n\nClick OK to Proceed.\nClick Cancel for More Info.")) 
window.location = "";
localStorage.setItem("PopupContentDone", "true");

$(document).ready(function () {$("div .ms-tileview-tile-content").mousedown(PopupContent)});

Monday, August 6, 2018

Use a JSON file in a SharePoint Library

  • You want to utilize a JSON file uploaded by an automated process to a SharePoint Document Library
  • In this case we will use the SiteAssets (Site Assets) document library in an Office 365 SharePoint Online (O365) site
  • If you use a direct path to the file you get the "Sorry, something went wrong"  "File Not Found." error
    • Ex:
  • If you click on the file or get a link to the file you are given a URL to an AllItems display form which renders a file editor, but will not grant access to the JSON via script
    • Ex:
  • Using the Download button and Fiddler (or IE dev tools / network), you can identify the correct URL to access the raw JSON file.
    • Look for the HTTPS GET for download.aspx
  • Alternatively, you can use the following URL format and replace mycompany, MySite, and MyFile text with your own values:
      • Note: This is for a site at /sites/MySite.  You may need to modify this path.
  • If using JQuery, here is some code to get it:
$(document).ready(function () 
type: "GET",
url: "/sites/MySite/_layouts/15/download.aspx?SourceUrl=%2Fsites%2FMySite%2FSiteAssets%2FMyFile%2Ejson",
success: function(result)
            console.log(result[0].property1+ " - " + result[0].property2);