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- You have a multi-select (multivalue) lookup field in your SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2 report
- The field also displays the Field IDs and you want to format it correctly
- Ex: Value1;#5;#Value5;#6;#Value6
- Use the following expression
=System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Fields!MyLookupColumn.Value, ";#\d+;#", ", ")
- You are using SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio to deploy a report project to a SQL Server Reporting Server in SharePoint Integrated Mode
- You are attempting to use the SharePoint Server address with "/reportserver/" or the Report Library address.
- Note: BIDS asks for this format which may not work: "http://<servername>/reportserver"
- You repeatedly receive "Reporting Services Login" authentication prompts when attempting to deploy and eventually fail to deploy
- Use "http://servername/" or "/_layouts/ReportServer" in the TargetServerURL path in the project properties
- Ex: "" or ""
- If you use the server name, make sure to include the trailing forward slash
- Use the Report Library/Folder location in the Target*****Folder settings
- Note: You can use folder paths if your library contains folders.
- Ex: ".../Reports/Folder1/Folder2"
- Here's an example of the settings (Right Click the project and select properties)